Digital Marketing Jobs in the Philippines

Digital Marketing Jobs in the Philippines

Digital Marketing Jobs in the Philippines

Digital marketing jobs have been increasing in the Philippines, to think that only a few years ago, they did not even exist. But now that most companies understand the critical role of digital marketing in achieving their business goals, positions for digital marketing jobs continue to open up.

We look at two popular job sites Kalibrr and Jobstreet on what kind of digital marketing positions companies are looking to fill.

New kid on the block

Between the two, Kalibrr is the relatively new player. As such, the databases of jobs and candidates don’t match Jobstreet yet, but Kalibrr is definitely rapidly growing. A search on keywords “digital, social, seo” yielded over 400 results, although the actual relevant listings are less than a quarter.

Nevertheless, these are from companies like Grab, Primer Group of Companies, GeislerMaclang, Alveo Land, PawnHero, Magsaysay Group of Companies, Get Hooked 360, Spiralytics, PurpleClick, Astoria Plaza, Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Nuffnang, etc.

Digital jobs vary in titles but they generally fall under four categories: content, social media, SEO/PPC, and digital. Content marketers are tasked to create online content, including website and email copy, blogs, e-books, etc. Social media marketers manage social media accounts, including posting content, engaging with fans and followers, and analyzing results. SEO and PPC specialists optimize websites to increase search engine rankings and create digital advertising campaigns. Digital marketers are generalists who are expected to do all these things.

SEO and PPC specialists make up just 11% of the total listings, followed by content marketers (including content writers and web copywriters) at 25% and digital marketers (including digital marketing specialists, digital marketing officers, and digital marketing managers) at 26%. Social media marketers (including social media specialists, community managers, and social media managers) make up 38%.

The old-timer

Listings on Jobstreet are quite different. For one, a search for the same keywords generated over 700 results, but similarly, the actual relevant listings are just a fraction. Still, it seems there are more digital marketing jobs available on Jobstreet than on Kalibrr, but not by much.

Companies that advertised for digital marketing jobs include ProFriends, JLL, MicroSourcing, KMC Solutions, Shell, Okada, Nestle, GSK, Anchor Land, AXA, etc.

Content marketing jobs are just 5% of the total listings. This time, social media marketing jobs are only 17% of total. There are a lot more SEO/PPC jobs advertised (32%) here. Digital marketers make up almost half (46%).

Overall demand

If we combine job listings for both job sites, content jobs are 13% of the total, SEO/PPC jobs are 23%, social media jobs are 26%, and general digital marketing jobs are 38%.

So what can we conclude from this? For one, you can generalize as there is more demand for digital marketing specialists and managers. But if you decide to specialize, focus on SEO/PPC and social media marketing as the jobs are there.

The other lesson from this is that while digital marketing jobs are growing and there are plenty to choose from, it’s not a job candidate’s market where demand outweighs demand (as with call center jobs). As such, you are vying for a more limited number of positions. Unless a company is a digital agency or outsourcer, most organizations hire just one or at most a handful of digital marketers.

What will give you an edge over other candidates? Of course, it boils down to experience. But if other candidates have a similar experience as you, the only differentiation would be your skills training. As you know, employers value professional certifications.

You could go for a local certification from a local company or you can pursue a Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP) from the Digital Marketing Institute (DMI), the global standard in digital marketing certification.

Now, if you are going for an entry-level job in digital marketing, what will make you stand out from other fresh graduates? Universities in the Philippines don’t offer digital marketing courses. At most, they’ll thrown in one subject, and that is even rare. More likely, your only digital marketing training are short seminars or workshops. A  Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP), on the other hand, sticks out. It’s not just a certificate. It’s actually equivalent to around two years in college in European universities. And just as important, you get a solid foundation in digital marketing, making you a much more desirable job candidate.

So whether you’re looking for entry-level digital marketing jobs or pursuing management-level positions in digital marketing, a Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP) will give you a strong advantage over other candidates.