Success Story: Sia Samonte

Sia (Medium)

Success Story: Sia Samonte

CDMP Batch 10

What was your work background before enrolling in DMI?

I used to be an HR professional before pursuing my interest in digital. I’ve completed my classes in DMI before I eventually decided to officially change my career.

What influenced your decision to study and get certified in digital marketing?

I’ve researched about digital marketing and found the information on the internet very overwhelming. I wanted to learn digital marketing in a structured way, and focus on the foundation of the course before my career in digital takes off.

Why did you choose to study with DMI?

Out of all the institutions I found online, DMI was the most credible and internationally-recognized. I knew it was the best choice when on the first day, I’ve already learned a lot about digital. The classes were held in a classroom set-up making it easy for students to interact with their lecturers.

How has it helped you in your business or work?

Upon applying, I’ve included my DMI certification and it was like magnet to recruiters. I get a lot of calls for interviews and although my expertise is social media, it’s always easy to understand and help other departments because I have knowledge in all the facets of digital.

Since completing the program, how has your career progressed?

In a short span of time, I’ve progressed from being a Social Media Assistant to being a Social Media Director. It has been easy to advise other people when they have digital needs.

What’s your advice for new students?

If you are new in digital, be patient, you’ll learn everything if you focus on the modules.

The lecturers are experienced in their respective fields so the best way to take advantage of is to ask a lot of questions and practice the current modules at home.

NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK. Your classmates would be a good mix of experts and aspiring practitioners, you can help each other learn more about the current plans of their companies/themselves when you network.

How would you describe your learning experience with DMI?

It was a fulfilling experience! I appreciate the time the lecturers spent in telling their own success stories and how they persevered to be where they are now. It gave me the motivation to really pursue my digital career.

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