How Can I Learn Digital Marketing?

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How Can I Learn Digital Marketing?

Interested to learn about digital marketing and how you can use it for your work or business? There are several ways to learn digital marketing in the Philippines or anywhere else in the world:

Online Courses

There are a variety of online courses available that cover different aspects of digital marketing. Some popular platforms for online courses include Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare. These courses can be self-paced and can provide a flexible learning option. A better option is through digital marketing certification providers such as the Digital Marketing Institute (DMI), which works with education partners worldwide such as DMHQ in the Philippines.


You can also join conferences specific to digital marketing. Some of the most popular digital marketing conferences in the U.S. include MozCon, INBOUND, Content Marketing World, Advertising Week, and Social Media Marketing World. In the Philippines, there’s DigiCon from IMMAP. Check out also Digital Marketing Week from DMHQ.


Bootcamps are intensive, short-term training programs that provide a comprehensive introduction to digital marketing. They are typically in-person or online, and they can provide a good option for those who want to learn quickly and gain hands-on experience.


There are many books available on digital marketing, covering different aspects of the field. Some popular books include “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” by Gary Vaynerchuk, “Digital Marketing Strategy, Implementation & Practice” by Dave Chaffey and Fiona Ellis, “Youtility” by Jay Baer, “Epic Content Marketing” by Joe Pulizzi, “Permission Marketing” by Seth Godin, “Digital Marketing for Dummies” by Ryan Deiss and Russ Hennesberry, and “Content Machine” by Dan Norris.

Blogs and Websites

There are many blogs and websites that cover digital marketing, such as Moz, Semrush, Neil Patel, and Brian Dean’s Backlinko, these can provide valuable information and resources for learning about different aspects of digital marketing. And of course, DMI has a very popular digital marketing blog.


You can watch thousands of videos on different topics related to digital marketing. There are thousands of videos you can watch on YouTube. Some of the most popular digital marketing YouTube channels are Ahrefs, Backlinko, DMI, GaryVee, Moz, Pat Flynn, SEMRush, and Unbounce.

Practical Experience

One of the best ways to learn digital marketing is to get practical experience working on real-world projects. This can include internships, freelancing, or working on personal projects. This will give you a chance to apply what you’ve learned and to gain valuable skills and experience that will help you to stand out in the job market.


Networking is an important aspect of digital marketing, and it can be a great way to learn from others in the industry. Attend industry events, meetups, and conferences, and connect with other professionals in the field to learn about new trends and strategies.

Pros and Cons

These are different ways to learn digital marketing. And you should definitely do most, if not all, of them. However, if you want the most structured, up-to-date way to learn digital marketing, it’s through online digital marketing courses.

Conferences are great for trends and up-to-date information. And they are awesome for meeting and networking with peers. But you won’t learn everything you need to know. Boot camps are also good for highly specific topics but not if you want a comprehensive course. Books can be comprehensive but some of the content can be outdated in a few months time.

Blogs and websites are updated and can cover a lot of content, but they’re not as organized and structured as an online course. The same thing with videos. Try to build a comprehensive and structured digital marketing curriculum using YouTube.

Practical experience is a must, because there is nothing like real-world work experience. But your knowledge is limited to what you know and what your work colleagues know. And networking is good for quick tips, not in-depth knowledge.

Best Way to Learn Digital Marketing

That’s why you should learn digital marketing through all these different ways. But the best way, especially if you’re just getting started or you’re after professional certification, is to enroll in an online digital marketing course.

DMI’s flagship course, DMI Pro or the Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP) program is organized into 10 modules. Each module is focused on one area of digital marketing, and features multiple learning formats, such as videos, interactive slides, walkthrough videos, explainer videos, quizzes, and practical exercises.

Want to know more? Check out our ultimate guide to choosing the best digital marketing course.

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