Success Story: Sharmaine Salazar

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Success Story: Sharmaine Salazar

CDMP Batch 15

What was your work background before enrolling in DMI?

I worked for the Office of the President as a Presidential Staff Officer. We were primarily responsible for providing technical assistance and advice to the Presidency. My job consisted mainly of everything public policy — research, analysis, and creation, among others.

At the time, it was an obvious path for me. I have a degree in Public Administration and the job was simply the perfect avenue for me to put theories into practice.

What influenced your decision to study and get certified in digital marketing?

While working full time in an office setup, I also had a small business. After a while, the office work ate up most of my time and I could not attend to my business anymore. I soon realized that I wanted to focus on the business, so I quit my office work.

My goal was to have multiple streams of income. So, I needed ‘something’ to add to the business. Preferably, it is ‘something’ I could do for extra income, but also ‘something’ I could use to grow my business – digital marketing was the intersection of the two.

Why did you choose to study with DMI?

It is one of the top players in the industry — perhaps the top in the country. Personally, the selection of lessons and lecturers was impressive. Also, I have heard a lot of great reviews from friends and colleagues about DMI.

How has it helped you in your business or work?

I’m now not just a member of the online community; I’m a player. Understanding digital marketing has definitely helped me use the internet a lot more to my advantage. It gave me opportunities to ‘up’ my online business game, while also giving me a very in-demand line of work.

Since completing the program, how has your career progressed?

It has been a remarkable shift for me! My old job limited me to a very specific clientele. Now, I help brands, services, and digital agencies worldwide in their digital marketing strategy and online presence. I’ve been working with international clients ever since and have learned about the various approaches to marketing from all over the globe.

What’s your advice for new students?

Start as soon as you can. The field of digital marketing is still relatively new, but the number of people who want to be in the field is starting to pick up. It’s best to jump in early, get a head start, and develop an expertise as soon as possible.

How would you describe your learning experience with DMI?
Three words: dazzling with opportunities. I met some of the top people in the industry, expanded my network, and made friends!

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